A couple of churches, a bridge, and a breakfast that was not to be

So, we started looking for this “Mama’s” breakfast place that had all the good write-ups. Trouble was everyone else had read them too. After waiting for a while a waitress said it would be about an hour in the queue from where we were. Following deliberation we decided to leave.


Walked. Got lost, walked, got lost, walked, saw a couple with a map looking lost. She was from Arbroath but living in Montreal for 50 years without losing her accent.  Walked with us to show us where she thought we should go- and found where she was going in the process – win/win. We were now at St Gregory’s of Nyssa Episcopal (http://www.saintgregorys.org). Very interesting – I might not go along with some stuff. Pictures give an idea though. They use dance a lot and feed the poor every Friday.


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Kris wanted also to see St John’s Presbyterian one of whose minister’s blog she follows. Unfortunately it was shut – albeit miles of walking before and after to discover that.


On the way back we passed Presidio Golf Club and dropped in for a card.


Then more bus trip by day and night. Very cold at times up top. Missed the mini Ferguson riot downtown, but were held up by it in traffic. We passed over Nob Hill – yes it’s where the rich folk hang out.


Ended the day where we started on a cold bus but this time seeing the highlights of our tour in a different light, which was rather enlightening.

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We also saw what is the world’s only single column suspension bridge supporting 8 lanes of traffic. This replaced one that collapsed in the earthquake of 1989 that the guides keep mentioning in a reassuring way (not!).

Single column

Oh yes, we also went to Haight Ashbury where the hippies used to hang out – there were some still around whose personalities were chemically enhanced.

1967 legs

Tomorrow Alcatraz.

3 thoughts on “A couple of churches, a bridge, and a breakfast that was not to be

  1. A different kind of dancing Meg, from St Gregory’s liturgical dance although they do have Lady Godiva as one of their dancing saints! (Apparently she was protesting her husband’s taxes that would strip the poor of everything, even their clothing.)
    Fascinating church……have read a couple of books by one of the pastors…….. so embedded in the community……… so passionate about Jesus and yet some things that would have the Evangelicals tutting!!

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